TITANS are a diamond

TITANS are a diamond

1 min.

In early November 2018, we were (really) unexpectedly recognised as a diamond of Slovak business. This award is granted by Enterprise Investors, a private equity firm, to businesses with fast, but healthy growth, and its prestige is guaranteed by the Forbes magazine. We are proud of this aw§éard and we are delighted by experts’ recognition.

Award Diamonds of Slovak Business

It sounds like a matter of course, but hard work has brought its fruit. We started the business with commitment, head full of ideas, clear vision and professionalism, and that’s what got us to the top in a few years. We are grateful to (currently) nine TITANs from our team and, of course, more than 6,500 TITANs fighting proudly “out there” on various IT projects.

You can be sure that we will not rest on our laurels; we now have more drive than ever.

31 618

Titans that have
joined us


Clients that have
joined us

444 346

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