TITANS proud members of Slovensko.Digital

TITANS proud members of Slovensko.Digital

2 min.

We do care about Slovak online environment and want it to be a safe and transparent place. And that’s why we are a proud member of Slovensko.Digital.

TITANS are here to support the good things. We also do care about increasing quality of digital services in Slovakia. We want online environment to be safe but also attractive and transparent.

This was the main reason to support Slovensko.Digital association. It was established in 2016 and still functions successfully. People who run Slovensko.Digital have been inspired by other countries in which the level of government computerization is very high.

We are now a member of Digital.Slovensko, too. IT world keeps on growing. It still expands, follows latest trends and we want it to be recognizable, not only for our clients and big companies who we collaborate with but also for laymen or enthusiasts.

Our company has been engaged by association’s achievements. There is still a long way to go but we also believe in our collaboration to be even more adventurous and effective. We do admit it will not be easy but that’s the most thrilling about our journey.

Slovensko.Digital has stopped unreasonable projects for 300 million euros, has mobilized a huge community of IT specialists, also prepared a gateway that helps people to be well informed about bureaucracy and, last but not least, enabled people to vote via Voľby.Digital. Slovensko.Digital has so many achievements and together with us, Titans, it may achieve much more.

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