TITANS celebrate 5th Birthday

TITANS celebrate 5th Birthday

2 min.

As TITANs, we have won many hard IT and business battles for the top spot on the outsourcing scene, so we decided to relax, put down our armour and celebrate our victories and our 5th birthday.

Birthday cake 5th

We combed our hair, put some gel on our beards, put on nice clothes and went to a fancy restaurant. We blew out candles on the cake, drank Diplomatico and feasted: this was an evening to relax and enjoy our victories.

As it happens, the beginnings were difficult and uncertain. We left our stable jobs and took our idea into the unknown. We were convinced that we could do it, and with time, the firm started to do well thanks to our commitment. We defined the market and became a reliable business partner in Slovakia and abroad. Our brand is as strong as a TITAN. We do everything to keep up this trend – we build strong relationships, invest in cutting-edge technology and embrace our digital future.

We have had a lot of fun along the way – a photo of a shirtless TITAN in a CV, rain as an excuse for skipping project work, sweatpants and combat boots at an interview and a tipsy candidate. We have also learned a lot – about business, the IT ecosystem and ourselves.

We are especially proud of more than 6 000 professionals in our database. It shows that we score with IT freelancers. If we put them on each other, they would be higher than Mt. Everest. On the other hand, we delivered 62 750 man-days (172 years of work!), which means many satisfied clients. These numbers are nice, but they are just a by-product of our goals: high quality and professionalism. We want to be perfect in all areas and our vision is to be a top independent IT outsourcing provider.

We are on the right track thanks to people we work with and our great team.

We look forward to our future together.

31 655

Titans that have
joined us


Clients that have
joined us

444 346

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